



Plenitude 8

Plenitude 8

The contemplation of Gene Keys is an easy but powerful practice to harmonize our genetic system. It will produce profound changes in your lives, allowing you to release your tensions and blockages, to open your heart and to awaken to your true nature.

Each of the 192 words of the Spectrum of Consciousness (three words for each of the 64 Gene Keys) is an object of contemplation. Although the twenty Gene Keys or so that are defined in our Human Design theme are the most present and active, we experience also all the others in our relationships with others and during planetary transits. The contemplation of any Gene Key is therefore relevant for all of us.

In the Golden Path, we begin by contemplating the Gene Keys of our Activation Sequence, then those of our Venus Sequence and we conclude with the Gene Keys of our Pearl. As these Gene Keys concern us particularly, it is good to contemplate each of them for a long period of time, at least for two weeks.

  • Contemplating the Gene Keys in this order is a first possibility.
  • But you can also read through the Spectrum of Consciousness and pick one that speaks to you at that moment.
  • Another possibility is to choose a Gene Key randomly.
  • If you like to do things in an orderly and systematic way you may also contemplate the 64 Gene Keys in their numerical order.
  • In these cases, you may decide to contemplate a different Gene Key everyday, or for a week.
  • But it is important to come back regularly to the Gene Keys that seem to be the most important for you.

Genetic Harmonization

Contemplating a Gene Key means contemplating the three words that evoke the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi of this Gene Key.

Contemplating means to have them constantly in mind, repeating them mentally, like a mantra or a koan, to clearly understand what they mean, especially what they mean to you. Observe what they mean at every moment, in every situation of your life; and also what they meant in the past. Observe each of your actions (and reactions), every word you say, and even your thoughts and emotions, and recognize where they stand in relation to these three words.

To remember them, you can write them on labels or signs, and put them in places where you'll often see them. This is a long-term job, because your understanding of those words should be implanted into your genetic code, in your DNA, and in every cell of your body. Once this contemplation will be integrated into your genetic code, your attitudes, behaviour and the way you function in your daily life will begin to change. Your life will change, your health will improve, and your relationships with others and with your environment will become more harmonious.

These three words represent three levels of consciousness of one the many aspects of human nature. The first word concerns the shadow, the egocentric attitude that considers to be a victim of the environment, and thus creates problems and suffering for oneself and others. The second word concerns the light emanating from your heart, and your gifts to help others and function harmoniously in the world. The third word concerns your divine essence: it radiates around you and inspires all those approaching you.

These three aspects exist in all of us, they have always been present in our genes. But often, the shadow has imposed itself, and has prevented the light and the essence to manifest fully. Like the light and the essence, the shadow has a role to play; and it has played it at times in our lives, we even needed it for our survival. But then, it stayed when it was no longer necessary, and continued to direct our life.

Now it must return to its right place. It is the purpose of this contemplation. We must not reject it, on the contrary, but welcome it with kindness, and learn to know and understand it better. This is the first step. Once its presence has become familiar, the second step is to accept it with gratitude as an inalienable part of us. The third step is to embrace it warmly, with all our love. This step allows us to love unconditionally all aspects of our being, even the negative ones.

When you get to this point, your light and your essence will have taken their place, and they will lead your life. You must have patience and not loose heart because the process will take time; probably weeks, perhaps months, especially if the shadow has been directing your life for a long time.

Even if you consider that this shadow is not directing your life, it probably manifests sometimes, in very specific situations. This contemplation will help you to manage better the dark areas still existing in your life. At the same time, it will strengthen in you the presence of light and the radiance of essence.

Although the deep work of the contemplation concerns the shadow, do not contemplate it too much, because it may tend to keep you in its dark vibrations. The first word should not occupy more than 10 to 20% of your contemplation. The other two words, on the other hand, will raise your level of consciousness, and will inspire you. They will illuminate your contemplation, and give you the courage, joy and perseverance to continue the process.

Created by Pierre Wittmann