


Gene Keys Essence 17 - 32

Spectrum of Consciousness

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GKE 17: Opinion - Far-Sightedness - Omniscience

Opinion > the use of logic to find fault and impose dogmas.

Far-Sightedness > the use of logic to sabotage dogmas and to serve integrity.

Omniscience > pure consciousness perceives the perfection of all manifestations.

GKE 18: Judgment - Integrity - Perfection

Judgment > the victim mentality needs to be right and to challenge authority.

Integrity > judgment and criticism come from the heart and are used advisedly.

Perfection > integrity and compassion are able to cure all problems.

GKE 19: Co-Dependence - Sensitivity - Sacrifice

Co-Dependence > depending on the outside to meet one’s needs.

Sensitivity > emotional independence allows the opening of the heart and love.

Sacrifice > interdependence: giving one’s heart unconditionally to all beings.

GKE 20: Superficiality - Self Assurance - Presence

Superficiality > the mind produces an illusory temporal reality.

Self Assurance > spontaneous decisions emerge clearly from the totality of being.

Presence > the wellbeing, gentleness and silence of the pure divine light.

GKE 21: Control - Authority - Valour

Control > based on fear and the defence of territory, it concerns today money and power.

Authority > based on loyalty, unites instead of controlling when love is stronger than fear.

Valour > an act of complete self-surrendering: we sacrifice ourselves for a supreme ideal.

GKE 22: Dishonour - Graciousness - Grace

Dishonour > we refuse to honour our emotions and to take responsibility for them.

Graciousness > understanding the feelings of others and listening with the heart.

Grace > to transform all negative emotions into love.

GKE 23: Complexity - Simplicity - Quintessence

Complexity > talking to be approved without being open to the views of others.

Simplicity > a clear and precise communication that goes straight to the point.

Quintessence > the mystery of the ultimate is revealed in a state of wonder.

GKE 24: Addiction - Invention - Silence

Addiction > our habitual and repetitive mental patterns are conditioned by fear.

Invention > accepting to know nothing allows the emergence of creative ideas.

Silence > thought ceases completely and the mind disappears into emptiness.

GKE 25: Constriction - Acceptance - Universal Love

Constriction > fear stifles life and transforms love into greed.

Acceptance > love of life flourishes and everything becomes possible and easy.

Universal Love > the bodhisattva takes on and transforms the suffering of all beings.

GKE 26: Pride - Artfulness - Invisibility

Pride > we cut ourselves from others through hierarchy, competitiveness and selfishness.

Artfulness > the opening the heart allows to use pride and ego with creativity.

Invisibility > the individual ego dissolves and gives way to the divine will.

GKE 27: Selfishness - Altruism - Selflessness

Selfishness > concerns food and the basic law of life: giving and receiving.

Altruism > service: giving without expectations for the survival and wellbeing of others.

Selflessness > to realize the divine law of philanthropy: the love of humanity.

GKE 28: Purposelessness - Totality - Immortality

Purposelessness > survival seems to be our only goal and we always adjourn our lives.

Totality > we accept the unexpected and change and we embrace all aspects of life.

Immortality > universal consciousness is beyond time and form, in an eternal present.

GKE 29: Half-Heartedness - Commitment - Devotion

Half-Heartedness > enthusiasm and energy to overcome obstacles are lacking.

Commitment > decisions respond to an inner guidance that we follow without hesitation.

Devotion > unconditional commitment to serve others is the way of love.

GKE 30: Desire - Lightness - Rapture

Desire > experiences, good or bad, respond to a genetic imperative.

Lightness > we let go and accept with humour things as they are.

Rapture > renouncement to desires allows the emergence of pure consciousness.

GKE 31: Arrogance - Leadership - Humility

Arrogance > language is used to control and manipulate people.

Leadership > the motivation of the heart is to liberate all beings from their victim condition.

Humility > the speaker is an oracle, what he says is perfect: it is the voice of the divine.

GKE 32: Failure - Preservation - Veneration

Failure > the collective fear of not surviving: in the modern world it concerns money.

Preservation > we strive to preserve life beyond our small world and our selfishness.

Veneration > respect and gratitude for all aspects of life and all forms of creation.

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Created by Pierre Wittmann